Welcome to HomeIncomeBuddies.com

Hi, I'm AJ, Action Jackson. My Buddy and I want to help you promote your online business opportunities of choice and create passive income for your home-based business. See how easy it is to work from home and become a HomeIncomeBuddy!

HomeIncomeBuddies- Contact us or click Help Desk

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"AJ," the original Action Jackson dog
Post your free classified here-- wide distribution for YOUR online business opportunity!

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☕Scroll below and subscribe to my "What Works For Me" newsletter and I'll send 1,000 hits to your website of choice-- PLUS show you how I build multiple residual income streams! Use the HelpDesk or Contact link above to send me your name, *preferred url and title of your ad, no more than 37 characters w/ spaces. *Websites must be appropriate-- no porn, hate, etc.

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The original ideal for HomeIncomeBuddies is to help my free and paid personal referrals to have essential tools (like lead capture pages, auto-responders, list builders, trackers, url rotators, etc.) they need to achieve successful entrepreneurship and achieve financial freedom.

The one program that I've found online that does this for less than 25 dollars per month is AIOP 2.0, aka AllinOneProfits. (Yes, you can earn income from AIOP as a free member; and, yes, it has a lead capture page system w/ pre-written auto-responder messages to promote any program of your choice.) You can join as a free member and if upgrade and you are assigned to me, Lewis Jackson, as my personal referral, then I will promote your AIOP affiliate url in my AIOP rotator.

After you join below, check to ensure if "Rabbitjax" is your sponsor. AND, if you decide to upgrade, I'll add you to my team rotator and we'll be working together to help you reach your financial goals.

Why am I helping you? It's difficult to get sign-ups for any program. It takes approximately 4,500 visits to your advertised url just to get one FREE sign-up. It takes much more traffic to your website to obtain a paying sign-up, not to mention advertising in a variety of places, creating desirable ad copy, and advertising with a variety of pages for one affiliate program. In all honesty, making money on the internet is difficult and tough; however, a unique pay plan like AIOP 2.0 allows me to promote my downline while building income for myself. Everybody wins with this program, especially when we assist our referrals to get sign-ups.

What's the catch? Ah, reality, the reality is I can only assist so many to build their downlines before my rotator becomes overloaded with 'passengers' and the assistance becomes meager. If you're reading this, that means there is still opportunity to get a burst of assistance, say hundreds, even thousands of visits to your AIOP 2.0 hands free. I'm hoping my paying referrals will extend the same generosity to their sign-ups and pay-it-forward. It's only to everybody's benefit-- by empowering your referrals, you're creating loyal subscribers, which strengthens your business.

Plan B 🎁Join LiveGood as a monthly member affiliate and I will send 5000 hits to your LiveGood tour url. Initial LiveGood sign-up is free. In all honesty, I joined LiveGood for the high-quality products and very affordable prices. I regularly purchase the Organic Complete Plant-based Protein shake and the Organic Coffee. It, incidentally, has a wonderful compensation plan.


MAPS stands for Multi-Advertising Promotion System, which is what I use to organize and generate 1000's of hits to my websites. MAPS is only available to my paid members/ referrals of AIOP 2.0 and LiveGood opportunities. MAPS is not the old ThinkLinx page below or a funnel like The Big Dog Secrets or EzTraffic.Club, which requires you to join certain programs for the whole system to work. You choose to join the programs you want to join or include the programs you have already joined; you are not cattle herded into joining any programs. MAPS will save you A LOT of time, energy, and money as you work towards financial freedom. After you upgrade in AIOP 2.0 or LiveGood, you simply request MAPS using either the HelpDesk or Contact link above.

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I'm blogging again! Click on the stones to view and/or subscribe. My blog consists of Papo's Poetry of KsanaKai poems and daily blog musings on poetry, and living a fit healthy life:)

I created HomeIncomeBuddies to also help people build upon their existing network using the HomeIncomeBuddy facebook group, resources on my ThinkLinx page, and other links you see on this website. Please bookmark this page. and come back often to see what's new on our website.
Visit HIB facebook group to learn more...

👉Subscribe for 1000 hits to your website!

Fill out the form below to get the "What Works For Me" Newsletter-- 25+ years veteran marketing tips. Discover how to get 400 plus hits per day i.e. 2800+ weekly hits to your website of choice. Whatever you're promoting... you want this!

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Lewis Jackson
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